ExactSeek.com kesehatan body: Mei 2012

Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Avocado fruit for health benefits

• Avocados are able to reduce the risk of stroke and heart serangn because avocados are the only fruit that is rich in fat, even the levels are more than twice the content of lemakdalam durian.
• Fats avocado helps lower "bad cholesterol" or LDL cholesterol and raise "good cholesterol" or HDL sehinggan significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack
.• Avocados are rich in minerals potassium, low sodium content but the comparison is encouraging atmosphere alkaline in our body
.• Avocados have high levels of folic acid and Vitamin E is high, so that more effective in reducing jipertensi.
• Can help to increase blood flow and continued as part of a menu for controlling diabetes.Sources: vocado fruit for health benefitsIn this post I will tell about the content of Avocado meets these demands and functions.Avocado fruit is one of the pieces are made jus.Hampir faforit for each diner must present a list of Avocado juice is widely grown crop in Indonesia, especially the temperate highlands latin sejuk.Namun avocado is Persea Americana.Name areas: Avocado; Advocaat: Avocados; Apukat .This plant is a tree originating from America, can grow at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level and subtropisdengan both tropical tree to 10 m high.Woody stems, and a single leaf-shaped and bercabang.Daun bulattelurdan hijau.Perbungaan colored tassel-shaped, growing tip ranting.Buah buni shaped oval form, shape or form ribbon bulat.warna ungu.Eat green fruit until the fruit is yellow when fully ripe or kehijauaan.Akar including riding a yellow root.Avocados contain vitamin E at 3.4 mg/100 g. Avocado fruit fatty acid lemaktidak didominiasi by the monounsaturated oleic acid and antioxidants that are single kuat.Alpukat also contains many minerals, but low levels of potassium natriumnya.different with other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, sugar tetapibanyak contain little fiber. For adequate intake of vitamin E than an avocado takes approximately ½ kg, and for the ill person can consume approximately 1 kg. Storage of avocado for a long time about 10 days at room temperature but when stored at low temperature (4 ® C) can be up to 20 days.Avocado fruit and leaves contain saponin. Alkalodia and flavonoids, and tannins.Avocado leaves contain polyphenols, quersetin and also contain beta-carotene alcohol.Alpukat sugar, chlorophyll, vitamin B-complex that is abundant in avocados.Properties of Avocado Fruit
• Avocados are able to reduce the risk of stroke and heart serangn because avocados are the only fruit that is rich in fat, even the levels are more than twice the content of lemak indour durian
.• Fats avocado helps lower "bad cholesterol" or LDL cholesterol and raise "good cholesterol" or HDL sehinggan significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
• Avocados are rich in minerals potassium, low sodium content but the comparison is encouraging atmosphere alkaline in our body.
• Avocados have high levels of folic acid and Vitamin E is high, so that more effective in reducing jipertensi
.• Can help to increase blood flow and continued as part of a menu for controlling diabetes.

Sources: TR SEKAR
In this post I will tell about the content of Avocado meets these demands and functions.Avocado fruit is one of the pieces are made jus.Hampir faforit for each diner must present a list of Avocado juice is widely grown crop in Indonesia, especially the temperate highlands latin .because avocado is Persea Americana.Name areas: Avocado; Advocaat: Avocados; Apukat .This plant is a tree originating from America, can grow at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level and subtropisdengan both tropical tree to 10 m high.Woody stems, and a single leaf-shaped and bercabang.leaves bulattelur and green.Rose colored tassel-shaped, growing tip branch shape or form ribbon bulat.Eat green fruit until the fruit is yellow when fully ripe or kehijauaan.Akar including riding a yellow root.Avocados contain vitamin E at 3.4 mg/100 g. Avocado fruit fatty acid lemaktidak didominiasi by the monounsaturated oleic acid and antioxidants that are single kuat.Alpukat also contains many minerals, but low levels of potassium sodium. different with other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, sugar tetapibanyak contain little fiber. For adequate intake of vitamin E than an avocado takes approximately ½ kg, and for the ill person can consume approximately 1 kg. Storage of avocado for a long time about 10 days at room temperature but when stored at low temperature (4 ® C) can be up to 20 days.Avocado fruit and leaves contain saponin. Alkalodia and flavonoids, and tannins.Avocado leaves contain polyphenols, quersetin and also contain beta-carotene alcohol.Alpukat sugar, chlorophyll, vitamin B-complex that is abundant in avocados.Properties of Avocado Fruit.

The content of the health benefits of apples to our

Apples are usually colored red when ripe (ready to eat). But it could also green or yellow.People first started growing apples in central Asia. Apples now grown in many regions of the world colder apple tree scientific name in Latin is Malus domestica. Apple cultivation are descended from Central Asia maulus sieversii origin, with most of the genomes of Malus sylvestris (apple forest / wild apples).Most of the good apples eaten raw (not cooked), different types of apples are often used as a party meal.Benefits of Apples• Lowering cholesterol levels, known Apples contain phytochemicals, antioxidants that are effective against bad cholesterol (LDL). Life Science in 1999 wrote, in addition to lowering bad cholesterol, also raise apples kolestol good (HDL). The content of pectin and D-glucaric acid in apples contributed to help reduce levels of bad kolestol in the body.• Coping with cancer and healthy lungsU.S. National Institute cencer report, Substance flavonoids in apples is proven to reduce the risk of lung cancer by 50%. Research of Cornell Univercity in the U.S. also found that the substance in the skin of apple phytochemicals inhibit the growth of colon cancer by 43%.• Lose weightAs a good source of fiber, apples are good for digestion and help you lose weight. Apple merpakan excellent snack for people who are losing weight because of the high fiber content thus preventing hunger very quickly.• Protects the body from flu FirusKonowalchuck in 1978 issued a publication on the antiviral effects of the drink apple cider. According to the apple juice is baik.untuk fight against viral infections because of increased stamina and immunity heavy consumption of apple juice.• Make women stay beautifulThe content of boron in apple proved petrified women maintain hormone levels of estrogen at menopause. Maintain estrogen means less disruption caused by the lack of balance when his hormone menopause, such as hot flashes, pain, depression, heart disease and osteoporosis.Got to potingn of me. Thank youSources: TR SEKAR

Choosing a Baby Milk Porridge

Rasany very rapid development of a new baby yesterday she just plain lying, but it is now common litlah active crawling to and fro, busy winning things that caught his attention ...
Optimal child growth is a cool satusatunya muda.untuk that all couples complete food contains nutrients that seimabang should be given since the little present in the family, consistent with age.
The best nutrition for babies is breast milk (ASI) which is given to infants aged 0 months.
Stepping over 4 months, infant entered a period of time where penyampihan is just a baby needs more milk as a source nutrisinya.Pada this age babies can already be introduced to semi-solid food that is pureed baby milk.
Baby milk porridge is a solid first half to be given to infants as masatransisi between liquid food (milk) to solid food (rice).
Provide the best for your child is a matter that must be done all ibu.apalagi of nutrients consumed each day, no matter what mom did, so this little one to get the best, both milk and additional foods, not at this age, there was rapid development of the basic foundations of the body the little guy? While only on milk and milk porridge alone is a major source nutrisai consumed by infants.
Error in selecting supplementary food early days of ordinary life little long in the future result.
Because, you need to have a list of prerequisites in determining the choice of the pulp slurry baby.what already contain vitamins needed by the baby.
Whether it contains four perfectly healthy 5.?
Only you know,,,,,

Powerful Ways to diet

In the current era is not usually have a body fat as an elephant drim or anything else for women. Well on this occasion I will give you some tips for those who are interested to melakaukan diet or lose weight,,,,,
Diet tips that I think is a potent
Regular exercise such as the site up, running in the morning or afternoon, swim, if not in force is not strong hahahaha,,,

  • Avoid eating or snacking in the evenin
  •  Avoid foods that contain high levels of fat
  •  Reduce use of salt
  • Drink 8 glasses of water per day. This is a minimal amount.
  •  Avoid fast food.
  •  Do not miss the main meal. eat 3 times a day, not less. 2 x daily eating a healthy diet is not the right way
  • Instead you buy a meal out, would be better if you bring food from home. Bring food from home will indirectly help limit your lunch. You are hungry stomach to see the food delicious food that is not displayed in the output?
  • When eating try to eat low-calorie foods first and later to a more calorie foods. FIRST vegetable / fruit first and then his rice and side dishes.
  • Use a smaller plate than usual. Smaller plates indirectly will help you put less calories into your body because it was as though you've eaten a full plate when the plate is actually small.
  • Chew your food slowly land. This step is effective enough to make you full faster so that it can be said this move effectively as a means of quick and healthy diet.
  •  One more do not forget to pray yaaa,,,

    Well that's diet tips that are often done by many people,,,,, thanks

Overcome Constipation Dulcolax Complications Before Coming

Constipation, or constipation are often called indigestion a fairly common form of bowel trouble (BAB).
Constipation usually occurs due to unhealthy lifestyles, eating less makanna a fibrous, less fluid to stress.Karena quite often. Constipation is often considered normal disturbances. And without realizing it, the longer the dirt is not issued, it means we are stockpiling toxic longer.
Cause persistent constipation, straining during bowel movements habits besar.Jika too often biased cause hemorrhoids, or better known as hemorrhoids or ambeien.kotoran too kerras also commonly injure the sewer.
Besides the usual prolonged sambelit lead to tumors in usus.karena substances or impurities which must be spent too long to settle in the intestine, so that makes the poison that memincu cancer cells.
That we do not experience constipation, Take 2 Dulcolax tablets before tidur.Esoknya, Chapter gangguan.Dulcolax take place without a laxative that has been proven safe and predictable working time, 5 hours after an empty stomach and 8 hours when the stomach without a sense isi.Dulcolax overcome sambelit excessive heartburn karenadulcolax have enterix membrane which makes it just works great intestines and does not interfere with the flow organtubuh darahsehingga no other.
Professor Stefan Muller Lissner Experts in the field of Gastroenterology of the world, from Berlin, Germany explained the results of a study of the use of which is the active ingredient Bisacodyl Dulcolax prove it can effectively increase the frequency of bowel and overcome all of kostripasi such as bloating.